The Feminist Transformation Change the system, not the women Femworx, April 25 2024 | Jutta Horstmann | CEO, Mailvelope
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The workplace: A man’s world
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81% In Germany, 81% of C-level positions are held by men (2023, LinkedIn)
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44% In Germany, men are 44% more likely to be internally promoted than women (2023, LinkedIn)
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70% During recent tech layoffs, 70% were women (2023, Women Tech Network)
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18% Gender pay gap: In Germany, women earn 18% less than men. (2022, DESTATIS)
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9h Gender care gap: Per week, women work 9h more unpaid than men do. (2023, Women Tech Network)
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81% In Germany, 81% of children < 3 years old are not in child care (2022, Statistisches Bundesamt )
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2,6% In Germany, 2,6% of fathers to children < 3y old take parental leave compared to 45% of mothers (2021, Mikrozensus / Statistisches Bundesamt )
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76% In Germany, 76% of paid-for-working women are working part-time. (2022, DESTATIS)
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13% In Germany, 13% of women have experienced sexual harassment at the workplace (2019, Antidiskriminierungsstelle des Bundes)
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46% Globally, 46% of of surveyed working women say they are burned out. (2023, Future Forum Pulse)
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25% In UK, 25% of menopausal women consider early retirement (2021, Finance sector, Financial Services Skills Commission)
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136y At the current pace, it will take 136 years to close the global gender gap (2022, WEF)
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Are you kidding me??
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Today’s organizations are built in a way that is the most beneficial to men.
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The Great Breakup For every woman at the director level who gets promoted to the next level, two women directors are choosing to leave their company. Source: McKinsey, Women in the Workplace 2022 report
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Why women leave their job ●
Unequal compensation
Exclusion, isolation and marginalization
Being overworked and underappreciated
Work conditions not sufficiently flexible to wrangle care work
Facing microaggressions, persistent bias and harassment
Source: McKinsey, Women in the Workplace 2023 report
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“Micro”aggressions ●
Others comment on my appearance
Others comment on my emotional state
Others get credit for my ideas
I have been mistaken for someone more junior
I am not listened to
I am not take seriously
My judgement is questioned
My authority gets undermined
Myth: Microaggressions have a ‘micro’ impact. Reality: Microaggressions have a large and lasting impact on women.
Source: McKinsey, Women in the Workplace 2023 report
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Why companies need to attract and retain women
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Diversity yields better results
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Overcome shortage of skilled personnel and managers
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It’s the law!
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A matter of decency
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The Feminist Transformation
A mindset shift.
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The Feminist Transformation
A holistic approach instead of singular activities addressing insular issues.
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Feminist Transformation vs DEI DEI
Feminist Transformation
List of measures
Holistic approach
Insular, particular
Mindset change
Goal: Empower & enable women to succeed in the existing operating model
Goal: Change the operating model to benefit women
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Change the system, not the women
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The Feminist Transformation
Setting women-centricity at the core and foundation of any organizational design.
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The Feminist Transformation
A commitment made by leadership to build, develop and lead their organization in a way that is the most beneficial to women.
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The non-negotiable definition of a company’s operating model.
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The Feminist Transformation
A change process leading towards the Feminist Organization.
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The Feminist Transformation
A key part of an agenda to make organizations future-proof.
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Feminist Transformation in practice
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3 main levers ● Organizational design: To set up processes and structures… ● Organizational development: To adapt the organization to changing environmental or business needs… ● Organizational culture: People behave, lead, communicate, collaborate, decide… … in a way that is most beneficial to women.
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Key commitment: In situations with conflicting goals, maximizing the benefit for women is the one that trumps the others.
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Characteristics of a Feminist Organization
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The Feminist Organization
Creates a workplace that is free from fear.
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The Feminist Organization
Embraces the fact that women’s needs at the workplace differ from men’s.
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The Feminist Organization
Is female-led.
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The Feminist Organization
Ensures participation.
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The Feminist Organization
Supports parents in equally taking care of their children.
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The Feminist Organization
Ensures equal pay.
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A Call to Action
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Demand a Feminist Transformation
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Collaborate to make the Feminist Organization a reality
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Encourage men to act as our strongest allies
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Encourage leaders - us all - to spearhead this movement
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The Feminist Transformation
For a better workplace, a better life, a better world.